By putting America’s interest first, we are putting Missourian’s rights and freedoms first. By putting Missourian’s rights and freedoms first, we are putting YOU first.

Fighting for America. Fighting for Missouri. Fighting for You.

Today America and Missouri are at a cultural and political crossroads. And the stakes couldn’t be higher.

At this crossroads lies the choice between a new road of societal freedom, Constitutional rule of law, a responsible government, and the promise of sovereign prosperity, or the present path of a centralized, openly oppressive, and wholly corrupt government - at the local, state, and federal levels.

Government bureaucrats, progressive democrats, big tech oligarchs, the legacy media, and even some establishment Republicans have been dictating what we should believe and how we should act. Over these past few years, we have seen our rights and freedoms taken from us. It’s time to take back our freedom.

The Freedom Principle MO is an America-First, Missouri-First, pro-Constitution membership-based 501(c)4 organization promoting political action, engaging in legislation, and supporting elected officials who defend and define their actions by the fundamental rules and rights of our Constitutional Republic, as codified by our Founding Fathers and given to us by God.

The Freedom Principle MO is telling progressives, who are intentionally destroying our cities, counties, state, and country that we have had enough! It’s time they “Suck it up!” and know the citizens of Missouri are not going to stand for their destructive, failed policies anymore.

It’s time to take back our communities. It is time to start holding our politicians accountable for their actions, or their lack of action. Please JOIN the Freedom Principle MO in taking a stand and supporting solutions that serve all Missourians, and all American citizens, not just a small powerful cadre of special interest groups.

Join the Freedom Principle MO, today, and help us in our ongoing battle to save America for Americans.